Special Effects Makeup
Imagine walking up to someone with a bruised lip and oozing sore on their face. You immediately ask them if they need help and they give you a smile. Little did you know, they were just on set shooting a movie. Wounds, deformities, wrinkles, and more — it’s hard to tell what’s real or faux when Khalen McKenna works her special effects techniques.
All the Gore and More
To create realistic wounds such as cuts and burns, it’s best to start with a silicone compound or ProsAide transfer to form the shape. From there, fake blood and alcohol-based paints give the wounds color and a life-like appearance.
Hair, No Hair, and Facial Adjustments
To create the impression of facial hair, adhesives are placed to connect the hair where needed and trimmed accordingly. To give a subject a bald appearance, bald caps are used as well as molding rubber. For facial adjustments, silicone prosthetics and alcohol-based paints are applied to either enhance or transform facial features.